Physical Therapy
Muscle, tendon, ligament injuries. This includes pre and post operation, chronic injuries, sports injuries. We aim for recovery and long term results, not in short term pain relief.
Dr. Coby Jones
Book NowHow we help you
This is your sub-headline
Manual therapy techniques
- Dry needling
- IASTIM - instrument assisted soft tissue
- Cupping
- Myofascial release
- Trigger point release
- Joint mobilization
- Passive Range of Motion
Exercise prescription
- Individualized Movement Assessment
- Individualized Exercise prescription
- Hands on perturbations
- Home exercise prescription
- Strength training
Pricing packages - Invest in yourself with guaranteed results!!
New patient discounts currently available
Initial Evaluation - $225
- Movement Assessment
- Find the cause of your problem
Pain package (6 visits) - $195/visit
- Get out of pain
- Start your recovery journey
Peformance package (12 visits) - $175 visit
- Get out of pain
- Bulletproof your body from recurring injury
Wellness package - $175 visit
- Maintain your progress
- Stay ahead of future issues
- 1 visit monthly