Many scans showed a hooked acromion in the shoulder. This 'hooked acromion" is bone build up that then can impinge on the rotator cuff causing tearing and pain. One solution is to surgically shave off the 'hook' of the acromion to the alleviate the issue. So what did they find out? Well many people would get instant relief with the bone buildup gone but low and behold the bone build up would return. I've used this analogy before but if your tires are worn the obvious solution is to get new tires. However, what if your alignment is off and it is causing poor and early wear on your tires. The same can happen in our body. If your rotator cuff is insufficient and causing errant movements, then the body will protectively lay down bone. In such a tight a vulnerable space, that doesn't always work our very well. Surgeons will go in and correct the impingement problem but if the alignment issue continues, the same problem will arise.
The same has been seen in the labrum of the hip causing a torn labrum. They now have some amazing surgeries to address this without need a hip replacement. However with faulty mechanics (alignment), they same problem can then arise.
I do think that these surgeries are absolutely necessary at times and you should meet with an orthopedic surgeon. However, if you change the tires and don't correct the alignment, you are facing a repetitive, expensive and painful problem. Proper physical therapy can help the alignmnet issue and get good use out of your tires (joints). Many times doing some pre-hab before a needed surgery can also help your outcomes significantly.
If you are experiencing joint pain, it may be time to see a physical therapist. I have helped many people get back to what they want to do without pain and with confidence. Please sign up for a free consult if you are not ready to jump in yet.
Dr. Coby Jones
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